This is one of those only in Hawaii stories. This story comes from the Honolulu Advertiser (9/13/07).
Here’s what happened:
Three Oahu pick-up trucks got a ride from Oahu to Maui on the Superferry. The driver’s drove their trucks to a Maui stream bed and filled up the trucks with 900 large rocks. The rock thieves, then drove back to the dock hoping to catch a ride back home on the Superferry.
Unfortunately for them, the Superferry has been banned from continuing service due to a court injunction. So the rock laden pick-up trucks have been sitting at the dock for more than a week.
In Hawaii, disturbing the environment in any way is a no-no. The rocks may have been intended for use in an imu (underground cooking pit). But who knows, maybe they intended to build a small wall.
The Division of Land and Natural Resources will allow the gathering of a small quantity of rock for personal use. The limit is one gallon of rocks per person per day.
These guys obviously went overboard. The tale adds fuel to the fight to ban the Superferry from going Inter-Island. Many of the local activists feared that people from Oahu would desecrate the land and natural resources.
The bozos in the pick-up trucks are trying to dismantle Maui, one rock at a time. These cockroaches may just claim the rocks fell out of their heads…
For now the rocks and the pick-up trucks are still on the docks awaiting passage back to Oahu.
Noted Maui resident, Paul “Ka’huane” Lu’uwai was quoted as saying: “These guys know the rules and they come over here thinking they can get away with something.”
Hopefully these people who stole these rocks will face stiff fines, and lose their trucks. Although the maximum fine is $500. However, they may be charged with other crimes as well.
You can read the entire story here.
I would very much appreciate your comments on this story.
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