$10,000 Violin Ripped Off from Rental Car on Kauai

Smashed Winsheild on Kauai

It happened again. A clueless tourist drove their rental car to the beach with valuables inside and the results were a disaster.

Except this time, it was a little different. This time, the victim was a world-renowned violinist who had just given a charity concert in Kauai.

So much for the Aloha Spirit.

According to the Honolulu-Star Bulletin (12/4/08), Karen Briggs of California had taken her rental car to Mahaulepu Beach for a little fun in the sun and a swim.

At about 2:00 PM her car was broken into. A large lava rock was used to smash the car window. Not only did the theif take the $10,000 Meisner and Son violin, but three French bows valued at $5,000 were also taken.

Chalk one up for the bad guys. I do think Ms. Briggs, should have known better. Don’t take a $10,000 violin to the beach.

Had she asked me, I would have told her: Don’t ever leave anything of value in your rental car. Never, ever, never.

I wish she read my blog post about Hawaii’s Dirty Little Secret. Your rental car is a target. A huge target.

The theives in Hawaii scope out rental cars. These are their favorite types of vehicles. They know the cars tourists drive.

If you drive a rental car in Hawaii, you might as well paint a sign on the side that says: “Steal from this car: valuables inside”.

But again, nobody thought to let this visitor know, Don’t leave anything of value in your rental car! She came over to play a benefit concert and she leaves behind her most valued possession.

Sad, this is very sad. If you know of anyone coming to Hawaii, please pass on this advice. Be careful out there and don’t leave anything of value in your rental car.

You may save your friend some heartache. Obviously, the rental car companies in Hawaii are not saying anything. Spread the word.

If you have any information about this theft, call Crime Stoppers at 241-1887 or police dispatch 241-1711.


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