A Pride of Lions

Wolfgang's Vault - concert t-shirts, rock posters and vintage tickets

This is video of Chinese New Year 2009 in Hawaii.

I shot this video while watching the parade there.

Video from Hawaii Secret Dot Info

Thousands Turn Out for the New Year’s Celebration in Chinatown
Chinese New Year is a time of celebration for Chinatown in Honolulu. The parade draws dozens and dozens of Lion dancers.

Thousands of spectators line the streets in Chinatown. 2009 was an exceptional celebration.

We were a few of the thousands watching the parade.

We had a wonderful time. We are definitely going back next year.

I would love to know how other cities celebrate Chinese New Year. Is it as spectacular as Hawaii?

albert grande
Hawaii Secret Dot Com
Hawaii Secret Dot Info

Lion Dance, Chinese New Year, Honolulu, Hawaii

The celebration in Chinatown is a wonderful event.

Many different sights, sounds and tastes. It is wild in the streets in for a Chinese New Year clebration. Fireworks, food and fun. The sounds are loud. Very loud.

You could call it controlled chaos.

The parade offers countless lion dances as well as dragon dances. It is customery to feed the lion money so good luck will follow you the entire year.

So feed the lion, and you to will experience the blessing of luck and prosperity the entire year.

Taste some of Hawaii right here:

Remember: feed the lions,

aloha, albert