Got any tips on the best vacation places and
flights? :)
My Response: Like
pizza, it depends on what you want to do with your vacation.
Really for the best deals you should book the flight / hotel yourself
on-line or through a travel agent. You can get some sweet package deals.
Do you want to spend some time in Waikiki (very touristy, but a must see)
or do you want to go to the North Shore?
I had some friends come over a recently. They rented a cottage on the
North Shore and I don't think they ever made it to Waikiki.
Do you want to go outer island (Maui, Kauai, Big Island) or do you want to
stay in a beach house on Oahu either the North Shore or the Windward
I will tell you coming to Hawaii is not cheap...But the great thing is
there are so many different types of flavors.

Sharks Cove on the North Shore
of Oahu
(photo by Espo) |
Albert Grande
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